Droit de la santé

Onglets principaux


Mark Keenan received intermittent psychiatric treatment since the age of 21. At 28, Keenan was admitted to prison, initially to the prison health center. Several attempts were made to transfer him to the general population, but his mental health worsened each time. Following a transfer attempt, he assaulted two guards and his sentence was increased by twenty-eight days. The next day Keenan hung himself.

Born on 4 May 1987, LMR is a young woman living with her mother, VDA in Argentina. She has a mental impairment and has a mental age between 8 and 10 years old.. During a hospital visit she was found to be pregnant. Under section 82.6 of the Argentinean Criminal Code abortion is legal where the pregnancy is the result of the rape of a mentally impaired woman. LMR filed a police complaint and scheduled an abortion. Her abortion was prevented by an injunction against the hospital. LMR appealed unsuccessfully to the Civil Court.

LMR es una joven que nació 4 de mayo de 1987, viven con su madre, VDA,  en Argentina. LMR tiene una edad mental entre 8 y 10 años. Durante un control en el hospital se diagnosticó que estaba embarazada. Según la sección 82.6 del Código Penal Argentino el aborto es legal cuando el embarazo es resultado de una violación de una mujer con discapacidad mental. LMR presentó una denuncia policial y programó un aborto. Su aborto fue impedido por una orden judicial contra el hospital. LMR apeló infructuosamente a la Cámara Civil.

Tres ciudadanos kenianos que utilizan medicamentos anti-retrovirales genéricos y viven con VIH o SIDA impugnaron la constitucionalidad de la Ley Anti-falsificación de Kenia de 2008. Los litigantes sostuvieron que la Sección 2 de la ley confunde medicamentos genéricos con medicinas falsificadas y, si es que se aplica, la ley impondría sanciones civiles y penales a los fabricantes de medicamentos genéricos, restringiendo severamente el acceso a medicamentos asequibles en Kenia.

Three Kenyan citizens using generic anti-retroviral medications and living with HIV or AIDS challenged the constitutionality of Kenya’s Anti-Counterfeit Act of 2008.  The petitioners argued that Section 2 of the Act confused generic drugs with counterfeit medicine and if implemented, the Act would inflict civil and criminal penalties on generic medicine manufacturers and severely restrict access to affordable medicine in Kenya.

Disability Advocates, Inc. (DAI) presentó  una demanda ante el Tribunal Federal de Apelaciones de Nueva York  (U.S.

Disability Advocates, Inc. (DAI) brought a suit before the U.S. District Court (NY) asserting that New York State discriminated against individuals with disabilities in violation of the ADA’s integration mandate, which requires that individuals with mental illness residing in adult care facilities in New York receive services in the most integrated setting possible in order to increase interaction with the broader community.

Georgina Ahamefule comenzó a trabajar en el Centro Médico “Imperial”  como enfermera auxiliar en 1989. En 1995, estando embarazada,  le aparecieron unos forúnculos en la piel y solicitó atención médica a su jefe, Dr.

Georgina Ahamefule began working at the Imperial Medical Center as an auxiliary nurse in 1989. In 1995, while she was pregnant, she developed boils on her skin and sought medical attention from her employer Dr. Alex Molukwu, who conducted medical examinations and diagnostic tests without disclosing to her the nature and the outcome of the tests. Georgina tested positive for HIV and her employment contract was promptly terminated.

Los demandantes cuestionaron la decisión del Estado de Massachusetts de excluir a un grupo de inmigrantes legales del Programa de Seguro de Salud del Estado. Los demandantes alegaron que dicha exclusión viola la Cláusula de Igualdad de Protección reconocida por la Constitución de Massachusetts.