
The mission of the Global Initiative is to strengthen the international human rights framework through creative standard setting, so that all people, in particular marginalized individuals and groups, are able to fully enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights, and are able to do so without discrimination and on the basis of equality; provide innovative tools to policy makers, development actors and others on the practical implementation and realization of economic, social and cultural rights; enforce economic, social and cultural rights through international, regional and national mechanisms and seek remedies for violations of these rights, with a focus on creating beneficial jurisprudence aimed at transformative change; engage networks of human rights, women’s rights, environmental and development organizations and agencies to advance the sustainable enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights at both national and international levels; work with advocates, social movements and grassroots communities at national and local levels to more effectively claim and enforce economic, social and cultural rights, by engaging international mechanisms for local impact.

The vision of the Global Initiative is of a world where economic, social and cultural rights are fully respected, protected, and fulfilled, and on equal footing with civil and political rights, so that all people are able to live in dignity.