

  • To promote Sexual and Reproductive Rights at the national, regional and international levels
  • To provide sexual and reproductive health care services to women, adolescents
  • To promote pleasurable and safer sex behaviour among community members
  • To set up support mechanisms for people living under abusive conditions, especially people living with HIV/AIDS, survivors of sexual violence and sexual minorities.


  • Research to provide databases on the levels of non-discourse, resistance, and denial of issues of Reproductive and Sexual Rights.
  • To employ Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) for the purpose of increasing awareness on sexual and reproductive rights issues, as well as empowering disadvantaged groups with life-competency skills, hence ensuring that they enjoy their Sexual Reproductive Rights.
  • Advocacy to influence policies and laws to be gender – sensitive and to protect Sexual and Reproductive Rights principles
  • Linkages to make legal services accessible and affordable to individuals and groups, especially adolescents, women living under Shari’a law and sexual minorities
  • Support line services, including virtual-support services, to provide information, counselling and support by telecommunications media (GSM, CDMA networks, Land line/local telephone)
  • Capacity building for Sexual Reproductive Rights activism, focusing on women