The Charter Committee on Poverty Issues is a national coalition founded in 1989 to bring together low-income activists and poverty law advocates for the purpose of assisting poor people in Canada to secure and assert their rights under international human rights law, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”), human rights legislation, and other laws in Canada.
The activities of CCPI fall into three main categories:
- Initiating litigation and intervening in cases before courts and tribunals to promote and protect the basic human rights of poor people and to ensure that poverty issues are more fully understood and considered by Canadian courts and tribunals
- Appearing before and making submissions to United Nations Human Rights bodies to provide information related to compliance with international human rights law and problems of poverty in Canada; and
- Engaging in research into how Canadian or international law can be used by poor people to address their needs and to promote compliance with international and domestic human rights guarantees.