The Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas (Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations) promotes the territorial, political, economic, and cultural reconstruction of the original indigenous peoples, based on the values of balance with Mother Earth/Pachamama/Ñuke Mapu, and respect for the pluri-national diversity Abya Yala; through the recognition and exercise of their collective rights as a people. It works in alliance with social movements for the transformation of single-ethnicity States to pluri-national ones, intercultural societies and overcoming all forms of exploitation, oppression, and exclusion.
The Andean Coordinator is an organization that represents Andean original, indigenous peoples, and proposes alternatives for the Good Life/Living Well / Allin Kawsay / Sumaq Qamaña. CAOI reevaluates the principles of the Andean worldview; exercises collective rights in territorial, political, cultural, and spiritual spheres; promotes the integration of the Abya Yala indigenous movement; and develops alliances with all social sectors excluded from international processes, starting from the rights of peoples.