
SEATINI is a human rights think tank organization that focuses on promoting haki ya jamii (social justice). The organization works towards strengthening stakeholders’ capacity to influence trade, fiscal and investment related policies and processes for improved livelihoods and sustainable development in Uganda and the East African region. Their work is inspired by the fact that the existing trade, fiscal and investment related policies and practices are major sources of Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCERs) violations which have continued to negatively impact on the most marginalized groups of people in society. They are thus guided by the principles of participation, accountability, non-discrimination, empowerment and legality when advocating for trade, fiscal and investment policies and practices that promote people’s ESCERs.


SEATINI has over the years engaged in various trade and investment related campaigns and projects such as the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights, instituting public interest litigation to protect women’s human rights especially those working in large scale investment schemes, influencing various policies and processes leading to the adoption of CSO alternative policy proposals/options and strengthening the capacity of stakeholders at community, national, regional and global levels. Currently, SEATINI is running two campaigns dubbed #LifeBeforeProfits and the other dubbed #TaxJusticeForWomenrightsTax . The former aims to advance the primacy of ESCRs in investment related agreements, policies and processes whereas the latter aims to challenge the unfair tax systems and provide alternative proposals towards making taxes work for women and girls.


SEATINI’s thematic areas of focus are threefold being Trade, Investment and Development which focuses on practices that foster improved livelihoods in Uganda and the East African Community, Financing for Development which aims to ensure there is inclusive and accountable revenue mobilization and utilization at national and subnational levels in the East African Community region

and Building Alternatives for Social and Economic Justice which promotes people-centered socio-economic development ideologies.