
Red Chimpu Warmi


Mining exploration is taking place in the highlands of the territory without adequately consulting local communities. Chimpu Warmi Network wants to assess the potential impacts of mining on women. For example on water resources, productive spaces, the agricultural and livestock strategy, the economy (especially for people who live on dairy products) but also on the life itself of the families who would be affected by the polluted water in a first phase and by the disappearance of fresh water. This problem directly affects, with greater incidence, the women of the region, since they are responsible for the food and health management in their economy because they are specialists and economically dependent on the production and commercialisation of cheese.



our research project

The Chimpu Warmi Network works to defend the Jach’a Marka Tapacarí Condor Apacheta, between the municipalities of Pazña and Antequera in the province of Poopó in the department of Oruro, Bolivia. The territory has more than 53 communities and 9,000 inhabitants, most of whom are dedicated to the production of cheese, milk and dairy products, which are marketed in the same communities and in the city of Oruro.

“We would be losing our livestock. People would be affected, because the mining pollution contaminates the water and the water indirectly kills us. We also would be consuming this contaminated water. And this would affect us a lot. So we are in the fight to defend our rivers, our waters, our land, so that they’re not polluted.”

– Betty, Red Chimpu Warmi


our story

The Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas (Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations) promotes the territorial, political, economic, and cultural reconstruction of the original indigenous peoples, based on the values of balance with Mother Earth/Pachamama/Ñuke Mapu, and respect for the pluri-national diversity Abya Yala; through the recognition and exercise of their collective rights as a people. It works in alliance with social movements for the transformation of single-ethnicity States to pluri-national ones, intercultural societies and overcoming all forms of exploitation, oppression, and exclusion.


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Red Chimpu Warmi