Indigenous Peoples' Rights

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Professor Jérémie Gilbert of the University of East London will present a new study on the impacts of strategic (public interest) litigation on indigenous peoples’ land rights. This empirical study draws on scores of original interviews with community members,...


Professor Jérémie Gilbert of the University of East London will present a new study on the impacts of strategic litigation on indigenous peoples’ land rights. The empirical study draws on scores of original interviews with community members, litigators and activists...

Every year, 14 March is marked by worldwide protests against dams and their impact on human rights of affected communities, since the first International day of action against  dams and for rivers, water and life held in 1991. This year, again, thousands of people...

The Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) and the Red de Cooperación Amazónica (RCA) have recently launched the publication ...

For the last five years, ESCR-Net's Strategic Litigation Working Group (SLWG) has promoted the restitution of lands to the Endorois community via the...

Last week the Canadian Court of Appeal decided that the Canadian jurisdiction is the appropriate place for the lawsuit to be filed against the Canadian company, Tahoe Resources, for human rights violations that took place in Guatemala. The lawsuit was filed by seven...