Collins is the coordinator of the Economic Policy and Human Rights Working Group. Prior to joining ESCR-Net, Collins was involved in advancing the economic and social rights of marginalized grassroots communities from a development and economic policy, and human rights lens. He possesses significant experience in research, capacity building, community organizing and movement building. Collins has been engaged in ESCR advocacy at different levels including the UN. He holds a BA in Sustainable Human Development -Social Sciences, from the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA),  a Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from Africa Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) he is currently a  Masters Student in Public Policy and Administration at Kenyatta University in Kenya.

FIAN International | Germany
Bidya Shrestha Maharjan1
Human Rights Awareness Center | HRAC, Nepal
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) | Thailand
World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP) | Kenya
Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku | Ecuador
Debbie Abc Interview E1649952629173 Modified (1)
ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) | Southeast Asia
Hala 2
Dibeen Association for Environmental Development | Jordan
Observatori DESC | Spain
Juana Toledo Modified
Consejo de Pueblos Wuxhtaj | Guatemala
The Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice | United States
El Modified
International Accountability Project (IAP) | US
Ale’s headhshot
Program Coordinator, Women and ESCR Working Group
Anne’s headshot
Finance Coordinator
Basma’s headshot
Campaign and Membership Director
Chris Headshot
Executive Director
Elena’s headshot
Campaign and Membership Facilitator – Latin America and the Caribbean
esther headshot
Communications Director
Solidarity Coordinator
Fernando New Headshot
Program Coordinator, Strategic Litigation
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Events & Administrative Associate
Georgia Headshot
Development and Learning Coordinator
Greta’s Headshot
Institutional Development Director
Mona’s headshot
Program Coordinator, Corporate Accountability Working Group
Pats Headhsot
Program Coordinator, Environment and ESCR
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Program Coordinator, Monitoring
Zulkeha headshot
Campaign and Membership Facilitator – Sub-Saharan Africa