الأربعاء, سبتمبر 13, 2023 يشارك RulingXamok Kasek (decision) ←Prakash Mani Sharma v. Gov’t of Nepal (SCN, Writ No. 064) Tutela action filed by Orlando José Morales Ramos against Drummond Ltd.→ تاريخ الحكم Tuesday, August 24, 2010 المنتدى Inter-American Court of Human Rights نوع المنتدى regional بلدانParaguay التركيزات المواضيعيةAdequate Standard of Living (right to)Children's and Young Persons’ RightsCultural RightsEconomic, Social and Cultural Rights (General)Education (Right to)Enforcement/Implementation of ESCREquality and Non-discriminationFood (Right to)Health (Right to)Housing (Right to adequate)Indigenous Peoples' RightsLand and Natural ResourcesLife (Right to)Water and Sanitation (Right to)