الأربعاء, سبتمبر 13, 2023 يشارك ←Decision T-974/10. Writ for the protection of constitutional rights. Piedad Cristina Peña, on behalf of her daughter, María Alejandra Villa, vs. Entidad Promotora de Salud (EPS) Coomeva. File T-2.500.563 Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability v. Government of the Republic of South Africa & Government of the Province of Western Cape, Case no: 18678/2007→ تاريخ الحكم Friday, February 4, 2011 المنتدى Colombian Constitutional Court نوع المنتدى domestic بلدانColombia التركيزات المواضيعيةChildren's and Young Persons’ RightsDisability (Persons with)Education (Right to)Equality and Non-discrimination