الثلاثاء, سبتمبر 12, 2023 يشارك Rulingdecision ←Daniel Ng’etich & 2 Others v. Attorney General & 3 Others, Petition No. 329 of 2014 [2016] eKLR L.G. v. Republic of Korea, CERD/C/86/D/51/2012 Communication No. 51/2012→ تاريخ الحكم Monday, October 24, 2005 المنتدى Human Rights Committee نوع المنتدى international بلدانPeru التركيزات المواضيعيةChildren's and Young Persons’ RightsEnforcement/Implementation of ESCRHealth (Right to)Sexual and Reproductive RightsTorture, Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment