Alyne Pimentel, an Afro-Brazilian woman, died at 28 years old of complications resulting from her pregnancy, after a health center in Rio de Janeiro failed to provide for appropriate and timely access to emergency obstetric care. Pimentel’s death could have been prevented, if the health center had correctly diagnosed and treated her for intrauterine fetal death. Pimentel’s death is not an isolated case. As highlighted by the petitioner, citing a WHO survey, “4,000 maternal deaths occur each year in Brazil, representing one third of all maternal deaths in Latin America.” Moreover, a disproportionately high number of victims are among vulnerable groups, “especially women of African descent” (CEDAW, Concluding Observations on Brazil, August 2007).
The CEDAW Committee decided that the case was admissible due to “an unreasonably prolonged delay”, after 8 years passed without a definitive decision from the domestic court. On the merits, the CEDAW Committee found Brazil in violation of art.12 (2) of the CEDAW Convention and cited General Recommendation No. 28 (2010), which states “the policies of the State party must be action-and result-oriented as well as adequately funded” and that according to their General Recommendation 24, maximum available resources must be mobilized to ensure women’s right to safe motherhood and emergency obstetric services. Therefore, the Committee found that the State violated the Convention in spite of its claims that it had made “qualified obstetric care” a priority in its National Plan for Women’s Policies. The Committee also affirmed that “the State is directly responsible for the action of private institutions when it outsources its medical services, and that furthermore, the State always maintains the duty to regulate and monitor private health-care institutions”.
The Committee recommendations noted that the State should ensure affordable access for all women to adequate emergency obstetric care and to effective judicial remedies. It also recommended the State provide adequate professional training for health workers, ensure compliance by private facilities with national and international standards in reproductive healthcare, and reduce preventable maternal deaths.
Keywords: Alyne da Silva Pimentel v. Brazil (Communication No. 17/2008), Poverty, Race, Discrimination, Gender, Woman