The Juma Masjid Trust had allowed the Juma Musjid Primary School, a public school, to operate on its private property for an extended period of time. A dispute arose when the provincial Department of Education responsible for the school did not pay the Trust for rent or out-of-pocket expenses to run the school, and also did not adequately respond to a notice and other communications from the Trust to vacate the premises. The Trust then sought an eviction order to remove the School from its property. The School Governing Body objected on the basis that eviction would unduly interfere with the constitutional right of children to basic education and would not meet the constitutional requirement that in all matters affecting children their best interests must be treated as paramount.
The Constitutional Court held that notwithstanding the constitutional rights at stake, given the history of the dispute and the efforts made by the Trust to secure an agreement acceptable to all, the Trust had acted reasonably in seeking an eviction order from the High Court. Nevertheless, the Constitutional Court determined that that the High Court, in granting that eviction order without considering where the children would go, had failed to take adequate account of the best interests of the children as required by the Constitution and of their constitutional right to basic education.
On this basis, the Constitutional Court set aside the High Court’s decision granting the eviction order. The Court also ordered the parties to engage with one another to attempt to resolve their dispute and allow for the continued operation of the school. If this failed, the Department was required to take steps to secure alternative placements for the students, and the Trust was granted leave to apply directly for an eviction order. The dispute remained unresolved. Therefore, upon receiving satisfactory information from the Department regarding alternative arrangements for student placement that would protect the right to a basic education, and upon considering the eviction application made by the Trust, the Constitutional Court granted the final eviction order.