This case was initiated in 2008 when the Inclusive Communities Project (ICP), a non-profit group, sued the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) in relation to a federal tax credit program used by states and local governments to build affordable housing. ICP claimed that the TDHCA perpetuated segregation in violation of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) by granting too many tax credits to new housing developments in predominantly black inner city areas and too few in primarily white suburban neighborhoods. It was alleged that this constituted discrimination on the basis of disparate impact. Disparate impact cases are brought when a policy or practice has a disproportionate effect upon a person or persons of a protected class which under the FHA includes race. Following lower court proceedings, TDHCA appealed to the Supreme Court to decide whether the District Court and Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals should have permitted the disparate impact claim under the FHA.
In a majority decision, and based on a wide range of factors, the Supreme Court ruled that the FHA prevents not only intentional discrimination in the housing market, but can also prohibit ostensibly race-neutral policies that have the effect of disproportionately harming minorities and other protected groups, even in the absence of explicit evidence of bias. The Court found that disparate impact liability can serve to “counteract unconscious prejudices and disguised animus that escape easy classification as disparate treatment.” In the judgment, Justice Kennedy, writing for the majority, traces the problem of segregated housing patterns back to the mid-20th century, when various forms of racial discrimination in housing, precluded minority families from gaining access to resources, and walled-off black families in urban inner cities, all of which led to considerable social unrest in the 1960s. Ultimately the FHA was enacted to address the denial of housing opportunities to minorities. The decision acknowledges the FHA’s “continuing role in moving the Nation toward a more integrated society.” However, the judgment cautions that disparate impact claims cannot be asserted any time there are statistical disparities in the housing market. It is necessary in such a context to establish that housing policies caused that disparity, and that the policies do not advance another valid goal.