
Solapas principales


Poco después de que el demandante, Jamie Sinnott, naciera en 1977, los médicos descubrieron que padecía de un autismo severo. Durante los siguientes 22 años de su vida, su madre intentó proporcionar a su hijo habilidades básicas de habla, idioma y destrezas motoras, así como uso de los inodoros. Por desgracia, descubrió que las pocas instituciones para niños con graves discapacidades físicas y mentales en Cork, Irlanda no podían atender las continuas necesidades de educación de su hijo autista.

Shortly after the plaintiff, Jamie Sinnott, was born in 1977, doctors discovered he was severely autistic.  For the next 22 years of his life, his mother attempted to provide her son with basic speech, language, and motor skills, as well as toilet-training.  Unfortunately, she discovered that the few institutions for children with severely physically and mentally disabilities in Cork, Ireland did not meet the continuous education needs of her autistic child. In 1997, Mrs.

In 2003, four year old Jeremiah Cronin, diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity and autism, was assessed as needing a 32-hour-per-week intensive home-based program to meet his special needs while awaiting placement in Cork CABAS School.  His mother instituted an action for injunctive relief directing the Minister for Education (“the Minister”) to provide such home-based tuition for 29 hours per week during the child’s pre-school phase.  She claimed that her son was entitled to a free primary education under the Irish Constitution, relying on the Irish Supreme Court’s reference to uph

This class action consolidated a number of cases brought on behalf of black schoolchildren denied admission to segregated public schools, under state law. Public facilities were previously racially segregated in the United States, particularly in the South. The case sought to challenge the "separate but equal" doctrine set forth in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), that governed racial segregation at the time.

La demanda fue iniciada por Paul O’Donoghue, quien  nació en noviembre de 1984, y contrajo el síndrome de Reyes, una  infección viral  grave: como resultado de la misma, a los 8 meses de edad sufrió  daños cerebrales.

Applicant Paul O’Donoghue was born in November 1984 and contracted Reyes Syndrome, a serious viral infection, at eight months old, suffering brain damage as a result.

En una decisión unánime la Corte Suprema Federal de Brasil decidió confirmar la constitucionalidad de las cuotas raciales en procesos de admisión universitaria a fin de crear un entorno académico diverso, superar la historia de discriminación racial de Brasil y promover el principio de la igualdad de facto según se aplica a la discriminación racial en la educación. Asimismo, la Corte se refirió a temas de proporcionalidad y razonabilidad como criterios para evaluar la constitucionalidad de políticas destinadas a lograr la igualdad racial.

The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court unanimously decided to uphold the constitutionality of racial quotas in University admission processes, in order to create a diverse academic environment, to overcome a history of racial discrimination in Brazil, and to promote the principle of de facto equality as applied to racial discrimination in education.  In addition, the Court addressed issues of proportionality and reasonability as criteria to assess the constitutionality of policies aimed at achieving racial equality.