Pueblos indígenas

Solapas principales


El Pueblo Kichwa de Sarayaku es uno de los asentamientos más antiguos del Pueblo indígena Kichwa en la provincia de Pastaza de la Amazonia ecuatoriana y cuenta con aproximadamente 1,300 personas.

The Sarayaku people form one of the oldest settlements of the Kichwa People in the province of Pastaza in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and include approximately 1,300 people. In 1996, Ecuador signed a contract with the Empresa Estatal de Petróleos del Ecuador (PETROECUADOR) and a group formed with CGC (Compañía General de Combustibles, a subsidiary of Chevron, in Argentina) and la Petrolera Ecuador San Jorge S.A. for oil exploration and exploitation in Sarayaku lands.

En 1985, la empresa minera De Beers perforó un pozo con fines exploratorios y parte del agua fue provista a asentamientos ubicados dentro de la Reserva. Posteriormente, el gobierno desalojó y reubicó a la comunidad basarwa fuera de la Reserva, aduciendo que los asentamientos humanos no eran compatibles con la preservación de la fauna y flora. En un intento de disuadir a los basarwa de volver, también fue desmantelado el pozo de perforación, dado que era la única fuente de agua en un radio de 40 km a la redonda.
In 1985 De Beers mining company drilled a borehole for prospecting purposes and some of the water was supplied to settlements in CKGR. The Government later evicted and resettled the Basarwa outside of the CKGR because they felt that human settlements were incompatible with the conservation of wildlife in the preserve. In an attempt to dissuade the Basarwa from returning, the borehole was also dismantled as it was the only source of water within 40km. In 2006, in the Sesana case, the Court found that this eviction was unconstitutional and allowed the Basarwa to return to the CKGR.

Desde febrero de 2003, tras el inicio de un conflicto armado en la región de Darfur del Sudán, miembros de la milicia llamada Janjaweed se dieron a la tarea de desalojar por la fuerza, matar y violar a miles de indígenas negros de la región. Los peticionantes adujeron que tales actos constituían la omisión del gobierno de Sudán de respetar y proteger los derechos del pueblo de Darfur y, en particular, violaban los artículos 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 (1), 14, 16, 18 (1) y 22 de la Carta Africana de Derechos Humanos y de los Pueblos.

Since February 2003, following the emergence of an armed conflict in the Darfur region of the Sudan, militiamen known as Janjaweed have engaged in forcibly evicting, killing, and raping thousands of Black indigenous people in that region.  The complainants alleged these acts were a failure of the government of Sudan to respect and protect the rights of the people of Darfur and in particular violated articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 (1), 14, 16, 18 (1) and 22 of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights.  In affirming admissibility of the complaint, the Commission quoted its decisi

En la década de 1970, el gobierno de Kenia desalojó a cientos de familias Endorois de sus tierras cercanas al Lago Bogoria en el Valle del Rift para crear una reserva de animales de caza para el turismo. Al pueblo indígena Endorois se le había prometido compensación y beneficios que nunca se concretaron en su totalidad, y el acceso de la comunidad a la tierra quedó limitado a la discreción de la Autoridad de la Reserva de Caza.

En este caso, la South Fork Band y otras comunidades de Western Shoshone habían apelado una decisión de un tribunal inferior que les negaba una medida cautelar[1] contra la construcción de la mina de oro.

In this case, the South Fork Band and other Western Shoshone tribes were appealing a lower court decision denying an injunction[1] against the construction of the gold mine. In their appeal to the Court, the South Fork Band argued that an injunction should be granted against Barrick Cortez because the U.S.

In the 1970s, the Kenyan government evicted hundreds of Endorois families from their land around the Lake Bogoria area in the Rift Valley to create a game reserve for tourism.  The Endorois, an indigenous people, had been promised compensation and benefits, but these were never fully implemented, and the community's access to the land was restricted to the discretion of the Game Reserve Authority. This prevented the community from practicing their pastoralist way of life, using ceremonial and religious sites, and accessing traditional medicines.