
Mwatana is an independent Yemeni human rights organization working since 2007. Mwatana believes in society where justice and full access to rights is guaranteed to everyone. They advocate for human rights through the verification and documentation of violations, provision of legal support to victims, lobbying, as well as awareness raising and capacity building. The goals of the organization are to contribute to the reduction of human rights violations; building a human rights memory; lobbying for redressing victims and demanding the full accountability of perpetrators of human rights violations; strengthening capacity in the field of human rights; and lobbying towards building legislation and policies in line with Human Rights principles. This is done through monitoring and documentation via field visits producing reports and other documentations with clear demands; production of studies providing analysis and recommendations; legal support by providing legal assistance to victims of human rights violations; raising awareness through a variety of activities such as film production; and capacity building and training of qualified human rights workers, equipping them with the necessary skills in order to work on human rights issues objectively and more effectively. Since the eruption of the conflict in Yemen in 2015, Mwatana has played a vital role in documenting and reporting on human rights violations. They have focused on a variety of human rights issues, including the impact of the conflict on education and health services, and currently are working on an analytical human rights study on the impact of the conflict on education in Yemen. In addition, Mwatana has been providing legal aid to minorities, and documenting gross human rights violations such as sexual attacks against children and women