
The mission of Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) is to provide pro-poor technical assistance for housing and infrastructure and to inform dialogue and raise awareness about urban issues.

Their vision is of a society in which urban inhabitants enjoy adequate housing within a sustainably developing city. Phnom Penh based Sahmakum Teang Tnaut was set up in September, 2005 and officially registered with the Ministry of Interior in December, 2006. ‘Teang Tnaut’ means ‘Sugar Palm Leaf’ in Khmer and is used for house construction, thatch roofs, sugar and packaging. This icon of the Cambodian landscape evokes a simplicity and usefulness which STT tries to reflect in its work with urban communities. From the outset, STT has had a focus on infrastructure upgrading, but over the past decade many communities have been impacted by development-related land alienation and evictions. Because of this, STT has strengthened its research and advocacy to draw attention to a development policy that, in Phnom Penh alone, has led to 150,000 residents being displaced since 1990. By supporting genuine community complaints and grievances, STT and its partners have been helping communities articulate their concerns to local and international media, donors and other NGOs & INGOs.