Assessing Business-Related Impacts on Human Rights: Indicators and Benchmarks in Standards and Practice

Dylan Tromp

Assessing Business-Related Impacts on Human Rights. Indicators and Benchmarks in Standards and Practice published by Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) proposes principled and practical indicators to support the assessment of human rights impacts with which business enterprises may be involved, with a view to informing the policies and practices of states, business enterprises, and other stakeholders towards universal corporate respect for human rights. The study identifies a wide array of contexts in which application of the proposed indicators would help to strengthen state approaches to protecting rights-holders against business-related harm in terms of law, policy, regulation, adjudication and participation in multilateral, international and regional organizations. The study also presents a practical methodology for how the proposed indicators can strengthen current private sector approaches to implementing the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, particularly in terms of assessing the human rights risks and impacts that may be associated with core business operations and business relationships.

Read the full study here.