CTUHR believes that every worker has the inherent right to life and dignity and thus does not only defend and promote individual rights of workers, but also their collective rights, such as their right to freedom of association, collectively bargain, and the right to concerted actions, including the right to strike. CTUHR’s missions and goals include exposing and confronting all forms of state and corporate repression of workers’ rights, both in law and practice; advocating against the system that violates workers’ rights and perpetuates repression and oppression of workers, their families and other marginalized sectors; empowering workers and trade unionists to reclaim their rights; establishing networks; promoting gender equality and eliminating gender discrimination at work; and contributing to creating a more sustainable and healthy communities through mobilizing workers’ power in protecting the environment and climate.
CTUHR has been assisting thousands of workers to claim their rights in pushing for standards at work. Also, CTUHR has been undergoing national and international advocacy, in addition to documentation and research around specific issues such as child labor and corporate violations.