
Luis Vittor has cultivated a career dedicated to offering support and assistance to community leaders, organizations, and networks of indigenous peoples in Peru, in the broader Andean region of South America, and, more recently, on a regional level in Latin America.

Currently, he is an advisor to the coordinators and Board of Directors of the Foro Indígena de Abya Yala (FIAY), a network of organizations and networks of indigenous peoples in Latin America. The primary role of FIAY is to promote coordinated participation in international processes and bodies relevant to the rights of indigenous peoples, their territories/land, and natural resources.

Vittor was previously the technical coordinator for the Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI), a network of organizations from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia. In this role, he advised the directors of CAOI in relation to engagement and advocacy with the UN human rights system.

Vittor has also worked as a technical advisor to the National Confederation of Peruvian Communities Affected by Mining (CONACAMI) in Peru, an organization made up of indigenous communities, peasants, and local residents affected by the impacts of mining that is dedicated to promoting and defending the collective rights of these communities.