
The Systemic Critique Project Political Education initiative in the Economic Policy Working Group emerged from the Strategy Meeting in Tunis, February 2018, where members reaffirmed plans to strengthen political education and shared systemic analysis across ESCR-Net. In addition, members identified the need for political strengthening of the Network by increasing understanding of economics and economic policy from a human rights lens and related feminist and environmental justice frameworks. This analysis should reflect the Network’s core principles, including being grounded in the struggles of social movements and grassroots communities while learning from skills and expertise that already exist within the Network.


● Political education should be framed and designed to understand the root/systemic causes of inequalities, social injustices, impoverishment and oppression;

● Political education should be rooted in the insights, needs, and experiences of individuals and communities impacted negatively by the capitalist system and other systems of oppression;

● Political education should be transformative towards systemic change;

● Political education should use horizontal methods to foster movement-building

● Political education should democratize knowledge, including using an intersectional approach;

● Political education should prioritize the safety, care, and solidarity of communities, including upholding the right to Free, Prior, Informed and Continuous Consent.