Section 12: Resources on the OP


Additional resources can be found on the webpage of the NGO Coalition for an Optional Protocol to the ICESCR

Nordic Journal of Human Rights Vol. 27, No.1:2009
12.1 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


The CESCR Committee prepared a draft optional protocol in 1997 which has been referred to during discussions around the OP that have taken place since then:

The report of the Committee on a draft optional protocol E/CN.4/1997/105, annex

An evaluation of the obligation to take steps to the "maximum of available resources" under an optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

12.2 UN Commission on Human Rights

12.2.1. Commission Resolutions

The resolutions included in this section refer to the mandate of the open ended working group on the OP-ICESCR:


12.2.2 Reports of the Independent Expert on the question of a draft optional protocol to the ICESCR

As mentioned in section one of this resource page, the appointment of the independent expert was one of the first steps taken in preparation of the establishment of an OEWG around the OP.

Independent Expert’s first study on an Optional Protocol (2002) E/CN.4/2002/57

Independent Expert's second study on an Optional Protocol (2003) E/CN.4/2003/53

Independent Expert's second study on an Optional Protocol – corrigendum (2003) E/CN.4/2003/53 Corr.1

12.2.3 information provided by Special Rapporteurs to the OEWG

Various UN Special Rapporteurs whose mandates are related to economic, social and cultural rights issues have provided input to the OEWG

Information provided by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education

Information provided by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

12.3 Human Rights Council Resolutions

12.4 The Open Ended Working Group: Key Documents

Included in this section are some of the key documents that have emerged from the 2004 and 2005 sessions of the OEWG on the OP.

12.4.1 2004 Session

Note by the secretariat from the first session of the working group E/CN.4/2004/WG.23/CRP.1

Report from the First Session of the Open-Ended Working Group to consider options for an Optional Protocol to ICESCR (2004) E/CN.4/2004/44

12.4.2 2005 Session

Programme of work 2005

Comparative summary of existing communications and inquiry procedures and practices under international human rights instruments and under the UN system Report of the Secretary-General E/CN.4/2005/WG.23/2

Report from the Second Session of the Open-Ended Working Group to consider options for an Optional Protocol to ICESCR (2005) E/CN.4/2005/52

Statement by Ms. Louise Arbour - High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Second session of the OEWG

12.4.3 2006 Session

Programme of work 2006

Report from the Third Session of the Open-Ended Working Group to consider options for an Optional Protocol to ICESCR (2006) E/CN.4/2006/447

2006  Joint Submission by Non-Governmental Organisations, on behalf of the NGO Coalition

E/CN.4/2006/WG.23/2: Elements for an optional protocol to the ICESCR – Analytical paper by the Chairperson-Rapporteur

Statement by Ms. Louise Arbour - High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Third  session of the OEWG

12.4.4 2007 Session

The First Draft Optional Protocol (A/HRC/6/WG.4/2)

Statement by Ms. Louise Arbour - High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Fourth  session of the OEWG

Report from the Fourth Session of the Open-Ended Working Group for an optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights A/HRC/6/8 30 August 2007

12.5 Civil Society

This section contains statements and materials prepared by some national, regional and international NGOs as well as academic institutions that support the OP-ICESCR. If you want to include your organisation's statements and advocacy materials around the OP-ICESCR, please send them to us.

12.5.1 NGO Coalition for an OP-ICESCR

12.5.2 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)

12.5.3 FoodFirst Information and Action Network (FIAN)

12.5.4 International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)

12.5.5 International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)

12.5.6 Amnesty International

12.5.7 Center for Economic and Social Rights

12.5.8 CETIM

12.5.9 Institute for Human Rights, K.U.Leuven

12.5.10 International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

If your organization has not been included here, we invite you to share with us your work for the adoption of an OP-ICESCR.

12.6 Recommended References/Articles:

This article raises good points in favour of an OP-ICESCR:

Bruce Porter, The Right to be Heard: The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. What's at Stake? Available at

Kitty Arambulo, Drafting an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Can an Ideal Become a Reality?, 2 University of California Davis Journal of International Law and Policy 111 (1996)

This article raises points against an OP-ICESCR (written from the point of view of the U.S. Department of State)

Michael J. Dennis and David P. Stewart, Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Should There be an International Complaints Mechanism to Adjudicate the Right to Food, Water, Housing and Health?, 98 American Journal of International Law 462 (2004)

This article is an excellent background on the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:

Philip Alston, Out of the Abyss: The Challenges Confronting the New U.N. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 9 Human Rights Quarterly 332 (1987)

La necesidad de adoptar un Protocolo Facultativo al Pacto Internacional de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales Autor: Magdalena Sepúlveda


12.7 Governments' positions on the OP-ICESCR

In this section you will find the positions of several Governments on the Optional Protocol. Please share with us any additional information that you might have by sending an email to

European Union

You'll find the country position's of Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cuba, Mauritius, Norway, Sweden and USA attached at the bottom of this page.

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