Egalité et non-discrimination

Onglets principaux


En 2002/2003, mientras la ciudad de Bogotá iniciaba el proceso de privatización de sus servicios de recolección de residuos, las asociaciones de recicladores de Bogotá intentaron participar en un proceso de licitación para competir por un contrato con la ciudad de recolección y transporte de residuos.

En Bogotá, los materiales reciclables han sido tradicionalmente recolectados y vendidos por individuos o familias  trabajando por cuenta propia o en cooperativas. Los recicladores están entre los miembros más pobres y marginados de la sociedad.

In 2002/2003, as the city of Bogota began the process of privatizing its waste collection services, recycling organizations in Bogota attempted to participate in a bidding process to compete for a waste collection and transportation contracts with the city. The recyclers were de jure precluded from competing for these contracts in big cities because they were not equity-owned, “share held corporations” as required by the law for public procurement, but rather, non-profit cooperatives of informal working poor.

In Bogota, recyclable materials have traditionally been collected and sold by individuals and families organized into recycling associations. Recyclers are among the poorest, most marginalized members of society.

Recycling activities in Colombia have traditionally been carried out by extremely poor and marginalized sectors of society, who collect materials from landfills or inorganic waste from the streets to transport and sell them as recyclable material to intermediary informal warehouses of the national and multinational industry from refuse deposited on the street and sell it to warehouses for modest sums.

La petición en esta Demanda de Interés Público (PIL) citaba información de los estados de Uttar Pradesh, Bihar y Maharashtra acerca de prácticas gubernamentales sobre esterilización femenina que carecían de la debida consejería o consentimiento informado, y de cuidado pre y post operatorio, e incluían condiciones quirúrgicas antihigiénicas y sin uso de anestesia, esterilización de menores, coerción y crueldad.

The petition in this public interest litigation (PIL) case cited data from the States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Maharashtra, regarding government practices regarding female sterilization, which lacked counseling or informed consent, lacked pre- and post-operative care, and included unhygienic and un-anesthetized operating conditions, sterilization of minors, coercion and cruelty.  The PIL requested the Court to direct the state governments to comply with the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Guidelines on Standards of Female Sterilization, enacted in October 1999 (“the Guidelines”).

Este caso se refiere a una apelación de 2009 ante el Tribunal Constitucional de Sudáfrica, presentado por el Jefe del Departamento de Educación de Mpumalanga (HoD).

This case concerns a 2009 appeal before the Constitutional Court of South Africa, brought by the Head of the Mpumalanga Department of Education (HoD).

Born on 4 May 1987, LMR is a young woman living with her mother, VDA in Argentina. She has a mental impairment and has a mental age between 8 and 10 years old.. During a hospital visit she was found to be pregnant. Under section 82.6 of the Argentinean Criminal Code abortion is legal where the pregnancy is the result of the rape of a mentally impaired woman. LMR filed a police complaint and scheduled an abortion. Her abortion was prevented by an injunction against the hospital. LMR appealed unsuccessfully to the Civil Court.