Purpose of this Code of Conduct
ESCR-Net is committed to creating safe, inclusive and horizontal collaborations and spaces, in-person and online. This Code of Conduct is one means of further living into that commitment, building on core principles developed and affirmed by ESCR-Net Members and outlined at the end of this Code.
Scope of the Code of Conduct
The scope of this Code of Conduct is applicable to interactions and incidents between ESCR-Net members, allies and staff during in-person or online events, actions, meetings and collaborations coordinated by ESCR-Net. This Code of Conduct is primarily addressed to Members, who have committed to common principles grounded in human rights and to confronting structures and histories of oppression and exploitation. Secondarily, this Code is addressed to any allies or partners—including funders, interpreters, other consultants and volunteers—participating in ESCR-Net spaces and/or collaborating with ESCR-Net more broadly. Staff of the ESCR-Net Secretariat are expected to uphold the same principles and model interactions in line with this Code of Conduct, as facilitators of ESCR-Net spaces and coordinators of collective work.
ESCR-Net commits to:
- ensuring that this Code of Conduct, including how to report concerns or incidents, is disseminated and accessible to all members, allies and partners, including being sent to participants in advance and/or discussed at the outset of ESCR-Net events, as well as complemented by related and periodic capacity building for staff and Board;
- taking concerns or allegations of harassment, discrimination or abuse seriously, with at least two members of the Code of Conduct team reviewing any complaint;
- listening to, trusting and centering individuals subject to harassment or abuse;
- welcoming involvement of those subject to harassment, discrimination or abuse in shaping any proposed remedy;
- maintaining confidentiality and privacy to the extent possible (please see more about confidentiality in the section below);
- avoiding invitations to ESCR-Net spaces or active partnerships with individuals who have previously violated this Code (and not undergone an agreed reintegration process), or who face related allegations in another context, posing a risk to the safety or wellbeing of individuals; and
- ensuring training for the Code of Conduct team.
Violations of the Code of Conduct
ESCR-Net prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived identity or status, violence and harassment, including sexual harassment, of any kind. Harassment is any verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate, silence, or coerce. Violations of this Code include, but are not limited to:
- Offensive or unwelcome comments, including slurs, negative stereotyping, and discriminatory remarks disguised as humor, including based on social status, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or physical appearance;
- Distribution, display, or discussion of written or graphic material that ridicules, insults, or shows hostility or disrespect toward an individual or group, including because of social status, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin religion, age, disability, or physical appearance;
- Deliberate disclosure or ‘outing’ of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent;
- Deliberate refusal to respect gender identity, misgendering or use of rejected names;
- Intimidation or silencing, including sustained and deliberate disruption of discussion;
- Threats, threatening language, menacing gestures, or any other acts of aggression or violence, including incitement to violence or self-harm;
- Stalking or following, including repeated one-on-one communication despite requests to cease, unwanted photography or recording, and tracking and logging online activity without consent;
- Failure to safeguard confidential or privately shared information, including publication of private communication without consent, unless otherwise required by law or legal proceedings;
- Unwelcome sexual attention, including suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, deliberately intrusive questions about a person’s private life, sexual propositions, lewd remarks and obscene gestures, and requests for sexual favors (including repeated and unwelcome requests for dates);
- Distribution, display, or discussion of any sexually suggestive written or graphic material that is unnecessary, off-topic, or shows hostility or disrespect toward an individual or group;
- Uninvited touching of a sexual nature, including brushing up against in a sexual manner, unwelcome hugging or kissing, cornering, fondling, and any form of sexual assault;
- Sexual coercion or bribery, including implicit or explicit requests for sexual activity or silence about harassment in exchange for rewards, or sexual coercion under threat of punishment (including defamation, firing, negative reviews, or blocking funding);
- Attempts at intimidation, retaliation or retribution to someone who has:
- Filed or responded to a report of discrimination or harassment;
- Appeared as a witness in the processing of a report; or
- Served as a coordinator of a report of discrimination or harassment.
- Encouraging or assisting in violations of this Code of Conduct.
How to contact us about a violation
If you are facing discrimination, harassment or violence by a member, partner, staff or contracted person, notice that someone else is experiencing discrimination or harassment, or have concerns about other conduct, please inform us as soon as possible, as outlined below. The ESCR-Net Secretariat and Board have designated people for receiving reports and an established procedure for handling violations of this code of conduct.
We understand that talking about an incident that you experience or witness can be upsetting and uncomfortable. We will make every effort to respond with sensitivity and respect, and we encourage you to share the information in any way that makes you feel comfortable, including bringing someone along to support you when you contact us.
You may contact us:
In Person: You may reach out to anyone on our Code of Conduct team members (see below) or to any ESCR-Net secretariat staff member (present at a given event) who can then facilitate a connection with the Code of Conduct team. We will work to ensure your safety, privacy, and the confidentiality of the report itself and the information that you are sharing to the fullest extent possible.
Online: You are also welcome to reach out via the online ESCR-Net Code of Conduct Report Form, which will be received by Code of Conduct team members. If you have difficulty with the form or would prefer for any reason, you are welcome to contact the full Code of Conduct team at conduct@escr-net.org or any of the individual Code of Conduct team members directly: