Prisoners and Detainees

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Mark Keenan recibió tratamiento psiquiátrico intermitente desde que tenia  21 años. A los 28 años, Keenan fue ingresado en la cárcel, inicialmente al centro de salud de la prisión. Se hicieron varios intentos de transferirlo a donde se encuentra la población carcelaria en general, pero su salud mental empeoró cada vez más. Tras un intento de transferencia, asaltó a dos guardias y su sentencia se incrementó en veintiocho días. Al día siguiente Keenan se ahorcó.

Mark Keenan received intermittent psychiatric treatment since the age of 21. At 28, Keenan was admitted to prison, initially to the prison health center. Several attempts were made to transfer him to the general population, but his mental health worsened each time. Following a transfer attempt, he assaulted two guards and his sentence was increased by twenty-eight days. The next day Keenan hung himself.

Cinco presentaciones conjuntas denunciaron la existencia de casos de esclavitud y prácticas similares en Mauritania y de discriminación racial institucionalizada perpetrada por la comunidad mauritana gobernante contra la comunidad negra más numerosa. Se denunció, entre otras cosas, que los mauritanos negros estaban siendo objeto de prácticas de esclavitud, desalojos periódicos o desplazamiento forzoso de sus tierras, que eran confiscadas por el gobierno junto con su ganado.

The Prosecutor's Office initiated a public civil action against the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, seeking to achieve enforcement of the Children and Adolescents Law (domestic law), including the creation and maintenance of confinement and partial release programs for young offenders.  The Regional Courts for Young Offenders had to order socio-educational confinement measures to be implemented in Porto Alegre, because this was the only city where such facilities were available.  This situation prevented children and adolescents from exercising their right to be confined at the same or

El Ministerio Público inició una acción civil pública contra el Estado de Río Grande do Sul con la finalidad de hacer efectiva la normativa del Estatuto del Niño y el Adolescente (ley interna). Solicitó, entonces, que se creasen e instalasen programas de internación y semilibertad para adolescentes infractores de la ley penal. Los Juzgados Regionales de Infancia y Juventud debían ordenar medidas socio-educativas privativas de libertad a ejecutarse en Porto Alegre ya que sólo en esa ciudad se encontraban disponibles entidades para acoger a los adolescentes.

Five joined communications alleged the existence of slavery and analogous practices in Mauritania and of institutionalized racial discrimination perpetrated by the ruling Moor community against the more populous black community. It was alleged, amongst other things, that black Mauritanians were enslaved, routinely evicted or displaced from their lands, which were then confiscated by the government along with their livestock.  It also was alleged that black Mauritanians were denied access to employment and were subjected to tedious and unremunerated work.