Budget and Financial Policies

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Alyne Pimentel, an Afro-Brazilian woman, died at 28 years old of complications resulting from her pregnancy, after a health center in Rio de Janeiro failed to provide for appropriate and timely access to emergency obstetric care. Pimentel's death could have been prevented, if the health center had correctly diagnosed and treated her for intrauterine fetal death. Pimentel's death is not an isolated case.

Los demandantes interpusieron la acción de inconstitucionalidad porque consideraban que la Ley 115 de 1994 desobedecía los estándares del derecho internacional de los Derechos Humanos al contemplar la posibilidad de cobrar derechos académicos en la educación primaria (art. 183).

The plaintiffs filed a constitutional claim arguing that Law 115 of 1994 did not comply with international human rights standards by allowing for the option to charge fees on primary education (sect. 183). The Court found the law unenforceable, considering that fees may not be applied to official primary education, but only to secondary and higher education levels.

Los demandantes, pensionados del Estado latvio, cuestionaron la constitucionalidad de la Ley de Pago de Pensiones y Asignaciones Estatales en el período 2009 a 2012 (en adelante, "Ley de Pensiones"), que se había aprobado con la intención de reducir el déficit estatal. En 2009, la economía en general estaba debilitándose rápidamente y el Parlamento latvio argumentó que debía responder a la brevedad a la crisis económica del país.

Petitioners, pensioners of the Latvian State, challenged the constitutionality of the Law on State Pension and State Allowance Disbursement in the period from 2009 to 2012 (hereinafter the "Disbursement Law"), which had been passed in an effort to reduce the State's budget deficit.  The overall economy was rapidly declining in 2009, and the Latvian Parliament argued that it had to act quickly to respond to the country's economic crisis.  The law decreased the amount received by current pensioners by 10% and decreased the pensions of future pensioners (individuals currently employed) by 70%.

Cinco residentes de Phiri, en Soweto, demandaron a la ciudad de Johannesburgo, Johannesburg Water (una empresa de propiedad de la ciudad) y al Ministerio Nacional de Agua y Silvicultura.

Five residents of Phiri in Soweto brought a case against the City of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Water (a company wholly owned by the City) and the national Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry. There were two key questions at issue.

The claims brought by four NGOs against former Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) alleging a gross mismanagement of public finances by the government leading to degrading conditions, shortages of medicine, education and basic services. The government allegedly failed to provide these services impairing its people from obtaining adequate medical treatment and from accessing basic education.

The claimant, Thiagraj Soobramoney, suffered from chronic renal failure (among other diseases) and was in dire need of renal dialysis in order to stave off death. When he ran out of personal funds with which to pay private providers, he sought service in Addington Hospital, a state-funded hospital in Durban. The hospital refused Soobramoney treatment because his general physical condition did not qualify him for treatment under the criteria or guidelines used by the hospital to determine eligibility for such treatments.

Autism‑Europe adujo que la aplicación por parte de Francia de leyes relacionadas con la educación para personas con discapacidades era extremadamente insatisfactoria. La gran mayoría (80 a 90 por ciento) de los adultos jóvenes y niños autistas no tenía acceso a servicios educativos adecuados. En base a los índices actuales de ocupación de plazas en institutos de educación especial, Autism-Europe estimaba que se tardaría 100 años en eliminar el déficit de la lista de espera oficial, que entonces incluía a 39.514 personas (incluso más, teniendo en cuenta la definición de la OMS).