Budget and Financial Policies

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The Texas Constitution declares that “a general diffusion of knowledge” is “essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people”. Further, the Legislature and State have a duty “to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of free schools” (Article VII § 1). Here, the Petitioners sought a review of an appeal court's order that reversed a trial court judgment which found that Texas' school financing system violated the Texas Constitution. This system relied on local property taxes to fund schools.

Starvation deaths had occurred in the state of Rajasthan, despite excess grain being kept for official times of famine, and various schemes throughout India for food distribution were also not functioning. In 2001, the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) petitioned the court for enforcement of both the food schemes and the Famine Code, a code permitting the release of grain stocks in times of famine. They grounded their arguments on the right to food, deriving it from the right to life.

Un grupo de ciudadanos viviendo con VIH/SIDA interpusieron una acción de amparo contra el Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social (MSAS) a causa de la negativa de aquel ente de entregarles los medicamentos necesarios para el tratamiento que les había sido prescripto (triple terapia). Los demandantes no disfrutaban de ningún servicio de seguridad social, ni poseían capacidad económica para adquirir los medicamentos prescritos.

In 1993, the Campaign for Fiscal Equity, as well as several students and their parents, filed a complaint asserting that New York State's educational financing scheme, in violation of the state Constitution, fails to provide public school students in New York City, an opportunity to obtain a sound basic education. Gross underfunding of schools had allegedly led to a scarcity of basic resources, as well as low test scores and graduation rates.

Una persona con VIH/SIDA presentó una acción de amparo contra el Ministerio de Salud de Perú, en la que solicitó que se le otorgara atención médica integral que debía consistir en la provisión constante de medicamentos y en la realización de exámenes periódicos, y de pruebas de CD4 y carga viral. Afirmó que no contaba con los recursos económicos necesarios para afrontar el alto costo del tratamiento de esta enfermedad.

In 1990 the non-profit agency that had provided sign language interpreter services in the lower mainland of British Columbia began experiencing serious financial difficulties and sought funding through officials at the Ministry of Health.  It was turned down.    

Autism‑Europe alleged that implementation by France of statutory instruments relating to provision of education to persons with disabilities was extremely poor. The overwhelming majority (80‑90 percent) of young adults and children with autism had no access to adequate educational services.

Los demandantes interpusieron acción de tutela contra varias instituciones estatales por no cumplir con su misión de proteger a la población desplazada y por no dar respuesta efectiva a sus solicitudes en materia de vivienda, acceso a proyectos productivos, atención de salud, educación y ayuda humanitaria.