Enforcement/Implementation of ESCR

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In Bogota, recyclable materials have traditionally been collected and sold by individuals and families organized into recycling associations. Recyclers are among the poorest, most marginalized members of society.

Recycling activities in Colombia have traditionally been carried out by extremely poor and marginalized sectors of society, who collect materials from landfills or inorganic waste from the streets to transport and sell them as recyclable material to intermediary informal warehouses of the national and multinational industry from refuse deposited on the street and sell it to warehouses for modest sums.

La petición en esta Demanda de Interés Público (PIL) citaba información de los estados de Uttar Pradesh, Bihar y Maharashtra acerca de prácticas gubernamentales sobre esterilización femenina que carecían de la debida consejería o consentimiento informado, y de cuidado pre y post operatorio, e incluían condiciones quirúrgicas antihigiénicas y sin uso de anestesia, esterilización de menores, coerción y crueldad.

The petition in this public interest litigation (PIL) case cited data from the States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Maharashtra, regarding government practices regarding female sterilization, which lacked counseling or informed consent, lacked pre- and post-operative care, and included unhygienic and un-anesthetized operating conditions, sterilization of minors, coercion and cruelty.  The PIL requested the Court to direct the state governments to comply with the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Guidelines on Standards of Female Sterilization, enacted in October 1999 (“the Guidelines”).

Este caso se refiere a una apelación de 2009 ante el Tribunal Constitucional de Sudáfrica, presentado por el Jefe del Departamento de Educación de Mpumalanga (HoD).

This case concerns a 2009 appeal before the Constitutional Court of South Africa, brought by the Head of the Mpumalanga Department of Education (HoD).

Mark Keenan recibió tratamiento psiquiátrico intermitente desde que tenia  21 años. A los 28 años, Keenan fue ingresado en la cárcel, inicialmente al centro de salud de la prisión. Se hicieron varios intentos de transferirlo a donde se encuentra la población carcelaria en general, pero su salud mental empeoró cada vez más. Tras un intento de transferencia, asaltó a dos guardias y su sentencia se incrementó en veintiocho días. Al día siguiente Keenan se ahorcó.

Mark Keenan received intermittent psychiatric treatment since the age of 21. At 28, Keenan was admitted to prison, initially to the prison health center. Several attempts were made to transfer him to the general population, but his mental health worsened each time. Following a transfer attempt, he assaulted two guards and his sentence was increased by twenty-eight days. The next day Keenan hung himself.

Este veredicto de la ECSR fue consecuencia de una denuncia colectiva recibida por el Centro Internacional para la protección de los Derechos Humanos (INTERIGHTS), miembros de la Red-DESC. Se alegaba que el gobierno griego violó el derecho a la vivienda de los romaníes en Grecia protegido según el artículo 16 de la ESC junto con el preámbulo de dicho documento que garantizaba su igualdad de derechos sociales como un medio para protegerlos contra la exclusión social.

This ECSR decision stemmed from a collective complaint lodged by the International Center for the Protection of Human Rights (INTERIGHTS), member of ESCR-Net, alleging that the Greek Government violated the right to housing of the Roma in Greece as protected under Article 16 of the ESC in conjunction with the Preamble of said Charter that guaranteed their equal access to social rights as a means to protect against their social exclusion.