Enforcement/Implementation of ESCR

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The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) published a briefing paper on the barriers adolescents face in realizing their sexual and reproductive health...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

The Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women of Republic of Macedonia (ESE) and Akcija Zdruzenska jointly authored a Shadow Report on...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Global Witness, the author of the report, Defenders of the Earth, showcases their research on the 200 land and environmental defenders’ deaths in 2016. The increasing suppression of environmental and land rights activism in many countries is spreading, and their right...

This shadow report counters the official discussions at the UN headquarters, providing its own comprehensive and independent assessment of the implementation of each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), based on experiences and reports by national and regional...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

This article analyzes global trends in financing for infrastructure. It looks at changes in Mexico’s laws, policies, and programs and how it has effected their infrastructure investment models and the use of public pension funds. Furthermore, it examines how this model is...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

This shadow report, "Obstructing Progress: Growing Talibanisation & Poor Governance in Pakistan" addresses insecurity, violence against women, marriage and minority women, and health. Authored by the Shirkat Gah Women's Resource Centre and submitted to the UN Committee on the Convention on...

This shadow report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is a joint initiative of Austrian NGOs and individual experts complementing the Seventh and Eighth Periodic Austrian Country Report to the CEDAW Committee. The...

Should African States ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights? A guide to the complementarity between the human rights systems at the African regional level and the international level. 

The guide is available...

Developed thanks to the collective work of ESCR-Net Members