
ESCR-Net members denounce systemic racism and police brutality affecting Black Lives


ESCR-Net members, many of whom themselves have suffered racist violence in their own contexts, have expressed their outrage and solidarity with the anti-racist protests in the US and...

The COVID-19 pandemic and responses to it have both exposed and exacerbated existing structural injustices relating to inequality, discrimination, marginalization and dispossession. Traditionally marginalized groups such as women, youth, indigenous peoples, migrants and ethnic minorities are...

The Day After Tomorrow: Confronting Systemic Injustices, Advancing Human Rights


  • ESCR-Net Global Call to Action – already endorsed by 135 members and 40 allies from over 60 countries – advances collective demands for a just recovery and new normal in the face of COVID19
  • ...

Front Line Defenders’ 2016 report documents the attacks and violence against human rights defenders around...

The Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund provides emergency financial assistance to civil society organizations (CSOs) under threat or attack and advocacy support responding to broader threats to...

General resources

A growing number of international, regional, national, and local organizations have units working specifically for the support, promotion and protection of human rights defenders and the right to defend human rights. They include:

General resources