Member News

MiningWatch Canada and the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group released a report  that squarely links Canadian mining interests throughout the Americas with...

According to the Brazilian Platform of Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Human Rights (DhESCA Brazil), the National Council of Human Rights (CNDH) has...

In a statement released on August 6, 2015, the Consejo del Pueblo Wuxhtaj (CPW) of Guatemala denounced what is tantamount to a new assault on the Wuxhtaj people as a result of activities advancing hydroelectric projects.

In March of this...

ESCR-Net member Otros Mundos Chiapas dennounced the proliferation of mining concessions in Mexican...

by Carlos Lopez, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ).

The first session of the intergovernmental body was a good start, but the level of participation and debates needs to improve if...

Iglesias y Minería’ Press Release 17/07/2015.

Today, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace will welcome about thirty representatives of communities...

Please download the full report here. Also available in Spanish ...

Liberia is ‘back in business’. The Ebola outbreak left the country’s economy badly dented. But since the country was declared Ebola free on 9 May 2015, the government has been actively promoting private sector investment again. The first trade missions to the country...

At request of Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragems (MAB), a group of the National Human Rights Council were in Altamira last week to prove the allegations of rights violations that are occurring with the...

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, called for a new treaty binding businesses to respect fundamental human rights, and...

The ‘scope’ of a binding treaty on business & human rights should be determined with reference to how it could empower victims in strengthening corporate accountability.

Controlling the propensity of...

The Democracy Center remember the victory of the people of Cochabamba, Bolivia, in their now-famous showdown with one of the most powerful multinational corporations in the world