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Fátima El Ayoubi and Mohamed El Azouan Azouz (the authors) presented this communication to the Committee on their behalf and on behalf of their young son, Haron El Azouan El Ayoubi, claiming that Spain violated their right to adequate housing under Article 11(1) of the ICESCR by seeking and upholding their eviction when they did not have alternative accommodation. 

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Strategic Litigation
Economic Policy

Collectives of ESCR-Net members have filed third-party interventions in a pair of groundbreaking climate change-related human rights cases now pending before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights. The two cases—Duarte Agostinho v. Portugal and 32 Other States, and ...

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Women & ESCR
Social Movements & Grassroots Groups
Economic Policy

In 2003, seven-year-old Andrea was murdered by her father, who subsequently committed suicide, during a court-approved parental visitation. Andrea’s mother, Andrea González, had reported over forty-seven (47) instances of physical abuse to the police and sought restraining orders against him to protect herself and her daughter – but the father had refused to accept supervised visitations and a court of law eventually allowed for the unsupervised visits that led to the death of Andrea. After the murder, Ms.

On November 5, 2018, members gathered for a webinar discussion titled: “Implementing CESCR Decisions: Lessons from the Experience of the Follow-Up Procedure in MBD v. Spain.” The online seminar about the...

What is this case about?

In 2013, a family with infant children were evicted from their home after their private rental contract expired. At that time, Spain was experiencing a devastating economic crisis with high levels of unemployment, and this had affected the...

On 24 April, the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), which coordinates the European Minimum Income Network, launched a bus tour across Europe to raise awareness of the importance of adequate,...

CESCR confirms right to housing applies to private tenancy arrangements

In October 2013, Mohamed Ben Djazia, Naouel Bellili and their two minor children were evicted from the home they had rented in Madrid, Spain, after their private rental contract expired. Spain was then experiencing a devastating economic crisis with high levels of unemployment, and this had affected the Ben Djazia-Bellili family, leaving them unable to pay rent for some time. Mr. Ben Djazia had repeatedly applied for social housing for well over a decade and was denied each time.