Equality and Non-discrimination

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The Fundación para el Desarollo de Políticas Sustentables (FUNDEPS) proposes quotas as a way to ensure that males to not have a majority in...

World Vision, in March 2013, made a submission to the pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). The submission was made on the occasion of the consideration of a list of issues related to the second periodic report of...

The Society for Community Organisation submitted a list of issues to the pre-sessional CESCR working group. These issues were to be addressed in connection with the consideration of the third report of China: the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong concerning the rights...

The Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) submitted information to the pre-sessional working group of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). This submission was for consideration as a list of issues related to the second periodic report of...

Beijing Aizhixing Institute, in March 2013, made a submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). The document, China AIDS, Public Health and Human Rights Issue List, primarily addresses the right to health.

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The World Uyghur Congress submitted an Alternative Report to the Committee On Economic, Social And Cultural Rights (CESCR). This was in anticipation of the session on the People's Republic Of China. The March 2013 submission addresses the right to just and favourable working...

The International Baby Food Action Network, in March 2013, submitted a Report On The Situation Of Infant And Young Child Feeding In Egypt. The submission was made to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR). Among its main concerns are maternity protection...

Amnesty International, ahead of the pre-sessional meeting on Egypt during the 51st session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), submitted an update of recent...

Developed by an ESCR-Net Member

Ekta Parishad is preparing to launch a new campaign for poor and marginalized people called Jai Jagat 2020. “Jagat,” in Hindi, means “all people in the world”....